Ahoy there!

Since leaving Baltimore the weather has been perfect. Everyday has had clear blue skies, temperatures in the early 80's and cooler evenings so you can sleep properly!  Early mornings are very still with a mist rising off the water. After leaving Baltimore we headed across the bay to Rock Hall for the Labour Day weekend.

Usually the anchorage has half a dozen boats but we had over 40 the whole of the weekend with lots of coming and going. It was like a floating campsite - great fun. We met up with an American called Jim who we had seen there before and who was anxious to talk to us again. Last time his wife Laetitia had been in France (she's French) but it was lovely to spend time with someone who was European. She was delighted that someone could pronounce her name properly!  They live in Pennsylvania and we have a standing invite to spend a weekend with them.


We can't believe how kind people are here, we have had so many offers of help from people we have only just met, people offering to lend us their cars and an eagerness to share. We left Rock Hall and sailed back across the bay to South River as we needed to head south to Solomon Island . Three of our batteries were on their last legs and from there we can bus to Wal-Mart.

At the Harness Creek anchorage a couple of locals in boats came up to chat. One invited us to watch the Northern Ireland vs. England World Cup qualifier and the other couple were so concerned that we had walked a couple of miles to the supermarket that they offered us the use of their pick-up!  Fortunately the walk to the shops was through Quiet Waters Park which was lovely. Part of it is a woodland walk, part formal gardens, fountains and sculptures and a keep fit walk with activities along the way. Walking through the woods felt like being in England .  

We then had a long day sail from South River to Solomon Island , though for once the tide and wind was with us and we cut an hour and a half of the previous trip. We had to do two trips to Wal-Mart as lugging more than two batteries at a time was impossible but we got everything we wanted.

During this time Tropical Storm Ophelia appeared off the Carolina coast. She has been very odd, moving in and out of hurricane and tropical storm and moving very slowly, if at all. The forecast changes daily. At one stage it looked like we were going to be in the eye of the hurricane but now they are forecasting her to go off the coast a little more. This morning she was 'wobbling' north and we should get strong winds and torrential rain tomorrow night (Wednesday) and Thursday. We may get up to Tropical Storm level - F6-F8 for the weather watchers. We will be moving this afternoon to St. Leonards Creek which is rated as a hurricane hole and very sheltered and will ready the boat. At least the worst of the winds will be during the day. The disadvantage of the hurricane hole is that we rarely get a phone signal and so can't use the internet, so we will probably be out of contact until the weekend at the earliest. Anyone who wants us will have to e-mail us by 5.30 p.m. BST today!


Off to the chandlers now for last minute supplies,

Warm regards


Sharon & Andrew